11. Assigning and Changing Class IDs

Go to Your Grade Book

  1. Click the “My Account” link at the top of the page.
  2. If you are not already logged on, you will need to do so now.
  3. Click the “Manage Grade Book” link.

If you have followed the instructions to this point, you will have one “unassigned” student listed in your Grade Book. If you do not have a student, you will need to backtrack and see where you failed to follow the instructions.

Assign Class ID

  1. Click the “Manage Unassigned Students” button.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the name of the student(s) you want to assign a Class ID.
  3. Select the Class.
  4. Click the “Assign Class ID” button.
  5. Click the “Yes Assign Class ID” button.

Return to Your Grade Book

  1. Click the “My Account” link at the top of the page.
  2. If you are not already logged on, you will need to do so now.

You should now be at the teacher “welcome” page.

  1. Click on the “Manage Grade Book” link.
  2. Note that now you have one “assigned” student and zero “unassigned” students.

Important Note

You must assign students a Class ID before you can view their progress.

12. Viewing Student Progress2 minutesClick Here
13. Creating a Class4 minutesClick Here
14. Premium Access For
Your Students
5 minutesClick Here
1. Student Registration2 minutesClick Here
2. Change Your Password2 minutesClick Here
3. Take a Quiz and
Record Your Grade
3 minutesClick Here
4. Take a Test and
Record Your Grade
2 minutesClick Here
5. View Your Report Card1 minuteClick Here
6. Teacher Registration2 minutesClick Here
7. Change Your Password2 minutesClick Here
8. Adding a Teacher ID to
Your Student Profile
2 minutesClick Here
9. Removing Students3 minutesClick Here
10. Re-entering Your Teacher ID2 minutesClick Here
11. Assigning and Changing
4 minutesClick Here